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Accounts Payable Aging Report (BETA Version)

The Committee on Appropriations and Adjudication (Committee) and the Office of Finance and Budget (OFB) provide the following Accounts Payable (A/P) Aging Report Dashboards. The Dashboard provides a listing of the A/P of the government of Guam processed by the Department of Administration. The A/P listing does not include payables for entities outside the AS/400 system of the Department of Administration including the Guam Department of Education, the Unified Courts of Guam, the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, the Guam Community College, and the University of Guam. The following A/P data is the responsibility of the Department of Administration. The Office of Finance and Budget presents the data for informational purposes only. Any inquiries or discrepancies can be directed to the appropriate entity.


The A/P aging report provides a breakdown of the current debt of the Department of Administration and the government agencies it provides accounting services to as of the date of the report generated on a weekly basis by the Office of Finance and Budget, subject to continuing access to the AS/400 system. The listing presents each payable by vendor name, vendor number, and the grand total. The grand total is further broken down by the age of the payable as either <30 days, >=30-60 days, >=60-90 days, >=90-120 days, and >120 days. The information can also be filtered by the funding source. 


The A/P Balance tab below provides a comparison of the A/P balances from the current and prior report dates generated by the Office of Finance and Budget. The listing presents each payable by vendor name, vendor number, and the variance or change from one report date to the most recent report date. The data can also be filtered by the funding source.


The Committee and the OFB provides access to these Summary Dashboards and other resources and information as a public service. Please review the Terms of Use that governs the use of this website.

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